Handstands w/ Jeremy

June 22 // 2PM // $45

A 90 minute workshop detailing the fundamentals of handstand as upside-down utthita hastasana (extended tadasana). The workshop will be equal parts zoomed-in physical tips on how to hold a handstand away from the wall and philosophical reflections on why anyone would want to do a handstand in the first place. How is a handstand a valuable physical aspect of a spiritual practice? How can personal intention and detailed body awareness manifest as fearlessness? And what good is fearlessness anyway?

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Headstand + Forearm Stand

July 20 // 2:30PM // $50

Explore the ins + outs of getting upside down! This workshop will focus on shoulder opening + mobility, stacking our joints for optimal alignment, + using your core to float + fly! We’ll work through both headstand + forearm stand in this 90-minute deep dive.

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Yin Workshop w/ Be

July 21 // 2PM // $45

Be is back!

It is when we slow down that layers of our body armor soften and we are able to sink in to the depths of our true, authentic, real selves.

In this YIN workshop, we will address the layers beneath the physical body by holding postures for an extended period of time to melt away tension and liberate the flow of qi that moves through the meridians of the subtle body, all with the added hands-on healing benefits of Reiki.

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